
若不告訴你,你可能很難猜出這麼有設計感的3臥室豪宅是用什麼做的。這是一位美國德州達拉斯 (Dallas) 的建築師將14個貨櫃變成了103坪大的現代感屋子。   對,讓你氣急攻心一下,這是他的新家。   這間叫做「DV14」的住家也號稱有近40坪的屋頂平台,能容納150個人。另外

April 12, 2015

若不告訴你,你可能很難猜出這麼有設計感的3臥室豪宅是用什麼做的。這是一位美國德州達拉斯 (Dallas) 的建築師將14個貨櫃變成了103坪大的現代感屋子。

Dallas architects Matt Mooney and Michael Gooden have transformed 14 shipping containers into a stunningly modern home 


這間叫做「DV14」的住家也號稱有近40坪的屋頂平台,能容納150個人。另外還有12公尺長的游泳池,還可以享有360度全景的白岩湖 (White Rock Lake) 景觀、並瞭望都市夜景。

The home also features a 1,400 sq ft roof deck that can fit up to 150 people and has a 360 degree view of White Rock Lake and downtown Dallas 


設計師Michael Gooden表示,設計團隊是想要保有原有貨櫃的元素,所以留下了一些貨櫃的質感。

Mooney wanted to stay true to the materials that  built his home and thus all the ceilings were left exposed 


Gooden said the designers wanted people to know what they were standing in when they stepped into the home



Because the walls of the shipping containers were removed, Gooden said columns had to be placed around the house to restore structural integrity to the materials


Gooden said the house's walls are made of sheet rock, which would make the home look 'normal' if the ceilings weren't left exposed



The 3,700 sq ft three-bedroom home, dubbed 'PV14,' boasts a 40ft long swimming pool on the ground floor that reflects the two-story glass-paneled tower, also built out of the containers 



On the house's open-floor first level, which is dedicated to entertaining, the polished cement used for the ground corresponds to the sleek steel of the shipping containers revealed overhead



The upstairs levels are outfitted with maple wood floors to complement the views of the nearby park and lake, which provide a wallpaper for the house thanks to floor-to-ceiling windows



Deep porches protect the home from direct sunlight while still allowing natural light to seep in



Mooney knew he wanted to build a home out of shipping containers 25 years ago, but it was only just recently he and his wife Barbara, a retired nurse, found the perfect spot - in the neighborhood they had lived in for 23 years



And after more than two years of design and construction, and a final tour for the Dallas chapter of the American Institute of Architects, the couple are finally preparing to move into their new home

來源:Daily Mail

我已經羨慕到胃酸翻騰了啊!這樣的地方當做是家,不會太過分嗎?還想要看看更多豪華的貨櫃豪宅嗎?快來看看 -> 連結。最後,也分享給朋友瞧瞧吧,他們一定猜不到是用貨櫃屋做的!

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