
一位爸爸安德魯 (Andrew Hook) 上週在 Reddit 放上他幫他兒子歐文 (Owen) 打造的遊戲廚房。歐文今年剛滿兩歲,而那個廚房是他的生日禮物。 Andrew Hook   很顯然的,歐文超愛的。 Andrew Hook 廣告1   這個廚房是用一個650塊錢 ($20美金) 的二手電視櫃改造的

October 24, 2015

一位爸爸安德魯 (Andrew Hook) 上週在 Reddit 放上他幫他兒子歐文 (Owen) 打造的遊戲廚房。歐文今年剛滿兩歲,而那個廚房是他的生日禮物。

Andrew Hook posted photos on Reddit last week of a homemade play kitchen he built for his son Owen. Owen just turned 2 this month and the kitchen was his birthday present.
Andrew Hook



Obviously, Owen loved it.
Andrew Hook


這個廚房是用一個650塊錢 ($20美金) 的二手電視櫃改造的。

The kitchen was built out of a $20 goodwill entertainment center.
Andrew Hook


安德魯 在 Imgur上有放上製作步驟。

Hook posted a whole step-by-step guide to building the kitchen on Imgur.
Andrew Hook


但在留言區裡,網友寫了像是「你就是為什麼你國家會那麼爛的原因。我希望你的孩子在學校被打」跟「看起來有點 gay」的東西。 

In now-deleted comments on the thread, however, users wrote things like "You are what is wrong with your country… I hope your kid gets beat up at school" and "Seems a little gay to me."
安德魯 對那些留言的人回擊:「我收到了一些『女兒』還有『但他是個男孩啊』的評語,讓我很直白地說:去你的!我們的兒子無論到哪都喜歡接觸廚房,他也很愛看或是和我們一起煮飯,所以我們覺得做這給他是個好點子。再者,如果我的小孩想要芭比,我會幫他買。如果那是他想要的,那就是他想要的。他想要玩什麼是他的決定,不是我的。」


安德魯 說他幫歐文做這個廚房時從沒遲疑過。歐文對下廚有興趣。 

Hook told BuzzFeed News that they never thought twice about building Owen the kitchen. He has an interest in cooking.
Andrew Hook



"I don't think that what I said changed the minds of any of the haters, but at least I said something," he said.
Andrew Hook



Even though Hook's project got completely attacked by trolls, he said that standing up for his son's culinary interests actually led to a lot of people sending him messages of support.
Andrew Hook



"I have gotten an overwhelming amount of positive private messages," he said. "It has been pretty touching to read them. On the flip-side of that, there have been several private messages sent that were extremely hateful and disgusting."
Andrew Hook



"The views expressed by myself and my wife on this are shared by so many people, yet there are those that still just want to spread hate," he said.
Andrew Hook



Oh, fun side note, the kitchen even comes with electroluminescent wire "burners" hooked up to a battery with an on-and-off button. So Owen can actually turn his stove on.
Andrew Hook



Luckily, all the drama didn't impact Owen's big day.
Andrew Hook



Judging from the photos...
Andrew Hook



...he seemed pretty psyched.
Andrew Hook




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加入粉絲團! 這位爸爸給兒子的手工禮物被網友嗆「太Gay了」,他的超霸氣回覆讓酸民都消音了!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友