
1. 電鑽加上閃光燈球~ imgur.com   2. 沒有望遠鏡嗎? imgur.com 廣告1   3. imgur.com   4. 只要有沙發和幾張椅子,你家就是電影院! imgur.com 廣告2   5. imgur.com 廣告3   6. 或是更低成本的… imgur.com   7. imgur.com   8. imgur.com   9. 沒有熱水嗎?有

October 24, 2015

1. 電鑽加上閃光燈球~

Want to add an instant party feel to any room? Attach a disco ball in a power drill and hang it from your ceiling.


2. 沒有望遠鏡嗎?

Don't have a fancy telescopic lens? Easy, just film through a pair of binoculars.



4. 只要有沙發和幾張椅子,你家就是電影院!

Want that cinema experience at home? Just shove a couch on top of four dining chairs.




6. 或是更低成本的…

Or you can make your own shoe storage device using some poles and wire.




9. 沒有熱水嗎?有蠟燭就好了!

No hot water? Simply light a candle underneath a water pipe. Hot showers at a fraction of the price.


10. 沒有食物調理機嗎?只要有電風扇、一把刀、和保險就好了!

Can't afford an expensive blender? Stick a knife on a fan and you'll be dicing like a pro.


11. 不喜歡吃沒有味道的水煮蛋嗎?




Lights not working? Just strap a bunch of torches to the ceiling.


13. 沒有轉接頭嗎?如果不要命的話可以這樣做。

Need an adaptor? "Safely" improvise with some nail clippers.



Cold toilet seat? Just stick a piece of carpet on there and keep yourself warm during the brutal winter months.


15. 車內沒有杯坐嗎?沒問題!

No cupholder in your car? Create your own using a roll of parcel tape.


16. 或是這樣也可以。

Or alternatively, just use a shoe.


17. 沒有錢嗎?直接把牙膏冰凍變成糖果!

Out of after-dinner mints? Just freeze a tube of toothpaste and cut it into wafer-thin slices.


18. 沒有錢買電磁爐嗎?有熨斗和鞋子就搞定了!

Planning on spending money on an expensive cooker? Don't bother if you already have an iron lying around.



Who needs curtain hooks when you can use the rings from Coke cans? Just as stylish at a fraction of the cost.



Broken side mirror? Just replace the glass with an equally reflective CD.


21. 這樣到處都是你的辦公室了!

Need to work on the go? This handy mobile office will make you the most efficient driver on the road.


22. 沒有衣架嗎?其實鍵盤也可以喔~

And finally, out of coat hangers? Just unplug your keyboard and use that.


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