
1. 香蕉中含有一種人體不能合成的氨基酸「色氨酸」,這東西能產生血清素來讓人感到快樂。   2. 在健身前吃兩根香蕉可以讓你在整個運動過程更加有活力。 廣告1   3. 除此之外,香蕉中鉀的富含量能幫助你減緩容易抽筋的情況。   4. 香蕉中所含的鈣質含量比牛奶還要多! 廣

November 6, 2015

1. 香蕉中含有一種人體不能合成的氨基酸「色氨酸」,這東西能產生血清素來讓人感到快樂。

Bananas contain tryptophan which turns into serotonin after consumption. This boost in serotonin is an effective and natural way to reduce the effects of depression.


2. 在健身前吃兩根香蕉可以讓你在整個運動過程更加有活力。

Bananas are great sources of fuel for our bodies and eating two before a workout can be the perfect amount to help you power through the workout.


3. 除此之外,香蕉中鉀的富含量能幫助你減緩容易抽筋的情況。

The potassium in bananas greatly reduces your likelihood of getting muscle cramps.


4. 香蕉中所含的鈣質含量比牛奶還要多!

Move over milk! Bananas are a great source of calcium.


5. 香蕉對女生也有達到舒緩經痛的效果。

For women, bananas have been know to reduce the prevalence of menstrual cramps.


6. 香蕉也富含維他命B、能夠幫助產生白血球,並且有助於預防糖尿病等疾病。

If you're anemic, then bananas are your friend as they contain a healthy amount of iron.


7. 如果你容易貧血的話,請把香蕉當作好友!因為它身體裡也富含鐵質。

The FDA has also stated that bananas can help in lowering your blood pressure.


8. FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 美國食品暨藥物管理局) 證明香蕉也能降低血壓。

Bananas contain pectin which is a great digestion aid.


9. 香蕉裡面含有天然的果膠能幫助消化。

Can't find any Tums laying around? Calm your heartburn with a banana, as they are natural antacids.


10. 香蕉也能幫助舒緩胃灼熱,因為它本身就是天然的解酸藥。

Bananas are one of the only foods that can combat the pain of stomach ulcers.


11. 它還是少數能夠對抗胃潰瘍的食物。

Bananas are known to be natural protection against kidney disease and brittle bones.


12. 香蕉也能達到預防腎臟疾病跟骨質酥鬆的效果。

The potassium in bananas can also make you feel more alert and focused, helping you stay in the zone when studying or working on a project.


13. 香蕉中的鉀還能幫助你更機警更專心,會讓你在讀書或工作時更加專注!

Just like blueberries, bananas are high in antioxidants.


14. 香蕉跟藍莓一樣富含天然抗氧化劑。

Bananas can also be used to normalize blood sugar levels between meals.


15. 香蕉能夠幫助在每一頓餐之間幫助平衡血糖。

Have an itchy bug bite? Rub the inside of a banana peel on the bite for quick itch relief.


16. 被蚊蟲叮咬了?把香蕉皮輕輕擦在叮咬處就能止癢。

Eating a banana can help to regulate your body temperature, giving you an advantage when battling a fever.


17. 吃香蕉還能幫助調節身體溫度,是對抗發燒的好幫手!

If you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, bananas can reduce the effects due to their high level of tryptophan.


18. 由於色氨酸的關係,香蕉也能對抗季節性憂鬱症!

Having trouble quitting smoking? Help to curb the withdrawals with the high levels of vitamins, potassium, and magnesium in bananas.


19. 覺得戒菸很困難?香蕉裡頭高含量的維他命、納、鎂也會有幫助降低你的癮頭!

Warts can also heal quicker if you rub them with the inside of a banana peel.


20. 身上長了肉疣的話、擦香蕉皮也能發揮療效!

Save part of that peel for your shoes as well, as rubbing the inside of the peel on leather can restore their shine. 

Source: Viralnova



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