
1.《007系列小說》原作者伊恩佛雷明 (Ian Fleming) 一開始希望將龐德塑造成「無聊」的人,所以借用了某位美國鳥類專家的本名「詹姆斯龐德」,這是他聽過最無趣的名字…   2. 某幾集007裡提到,有不少00情報員都在出任務時遇害,例如《007黃金眼 (GoldenEye)》裡的

November 22, 2015

1.《007系列小說》原作者伊恩佛雷明 (Ian Fleming) 一開始希望將龐德塑造成「無聊」的人,所以借用了某位美國鳥類專家的本名「詹姆斯龐德」,這是他聽過最無趣的名字…

The name "James Bond" is actually the name of an American bird expert. According to creator Ian Fleming, he wanted his leading man to be  “an extremely dull, uninteresting man to whom things happened…I thought by God, James Bond is the dullest name I ever heard.”


2. 某幾集007裡提到,有不少00情報員都在出任務時遇害,例如《007黃金眼 (GoldenEye)》裡的大反派,其真實身分就是大家以為已經死很久的006。之前據傳電影公司有意找個 “008” 來取代龐德,但沒下文。

In the various Bond movies, many of the 00s agents have been killed. Agent 006 is a rogue agent that's believed to be dead, but returns as GoldenEye. There is also talk of a talented 008 who is meant to replace Bond, but we haven't seen him yet.
007系列最經典打手「怪傑」(Odd job)。


3. 詹姆斯龐德在過去22部《007系列電影》裡,被開槍的次數一共是4662次。

James Bond has been shot at 4,662 times in 22 films.


4. 作者伊恩佛雷明曾是二戰期間最重要的特務之一。

Author Ian Fleming was one of the most important special agents in WW II.


5. 喬治拉贊貝 (George Lazenby) 在《007女皇密使 (On Her Majesty’s Secret Service)》飾演龐德之前不曾有任何演戲經驗,但為了演龐德所以他對電影公司撒了謊… 

George Lazenby had never acted before he got the role in "On Her Majesty's Secret Service." He actually lied about having acting experience to get the part.


6. 克林伊斯威特 (Clint Eastwood)、畢雷諾斯 (Burt Reynolds)、亞當魏斯特 (Adam West) 都曾是演出龐德的人選,但他們都拒絕了,他們認為這個角色還是應該由英國演員詮釋。

Clint Eastwood, Burt Reynolds and Adam West turned down offers to be James Bond, because they felt Bond should really be British.


7. 連恩尼遜 (Liam Neeson) 也曾婉拒演出龐德的機會,因為當時的他對動作片沒興趣。可見後來改變心意了!

Liam Neeson turned down the role of Bond because he wasn't interested in being in action movies. Clearly, he's changed his mind.


8. 1967年有部「惡搞007」的電影叫作《天雷箭 (OK Connery)》,是由史恩康納萊的弟弟尼爾康納萊主演。

A spoof of the Bond series was made in 1967. The movie was called "OK Connery" and starred Sean Connery’s brother Neil.


9. 史恩康納萊演出所有007電影時都戴著假髮。

Sean Connery wore a toupee in all of his appearances as James Bond.


10. 007系列第5集《007雷霆谷 (You Only Live Twice)》的劇本是經典童書《巧克力工廠》的作者Roald Dahl所寫。

Roald Dahl, the author of childhood classics like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach, wrote the screenplay for "You Only Live Twice."


11. 二戰期間伊分佛雷明在牙買加買了棟別墅,命名為「黃金眼」。伊恩一共在那寫了14本龐德小說,直到他過世後「黃金眼」才變成其中一集007電影的名稱。

A visit to Jamaica during World War II inspired Ian Fleming to buy an estate there, which he called Goldeneye. Fleming wrote many of his 14 novels there and, long after Fleming’s death, it became the namesake of a Bond film.


12. 《007金手指 (Goldfinger)》裡,龐德女郎Pussy Galore率領的5位女飛行員其實都是男扮女裝。

The five pilots flying planes in Pussy Galore’s Flying Circus in "Goldfinger" were actually men wearing blonde wigs.


13.《007金手指》裡一開始,龐德女郎Tilly Masterson全身被塗滿黃金而死去,有人懷疑這一幕的靈感來自某位死法雷同的女模真實命案…後來電視節目《流言終結者》證實傳言是假的。

In "Goldfinger," Tilly Masterson dies of skin suffocation by being painted gold.  For years, it was thought that this method of murder was supposedly inspired by the real life death of a model who had the same thing happen to her at a photoshoot. The TV program "Mythbusters" has since proven that to be false.


14. 龐德在《007霹靂彈 (Thunderball)》裡使用的道具「噴射背包」真的會飛起來!

The rocket belt Bond uses in "Thunderball," actually worked.


15. 50年來的24部007電影裡,飾演過龐德的演員一共有6位:史恩康納萊 (Sean Connery)、喬治拉贊貝 (George Lazenby)、羅傑摩爾 (Roger Moore)、提摩西達頓 (Timothy Dalton)、皮爾斯布洛斯南 (Pierce Brosnan)、丹尼爾克雷格 (Daniel Craig)。

Over the last 50 years and 24 movies, James Bond has been portrayed by six actors: Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig.


16. 凱萊葛倫 (Cary Grant) 是第一位龐德人選,他雖然喜歡劇本,但還是婉拒了演出機會,因為不確定自己是否為最適合人選。

Cary Grant got the first offer to play James Bond on the big screen. Grant said he liked the script, but he turned it down because he was unsure that he could fully get into the character.
凱萊葛倫演出的經典電影有《北西北 (North by Northwest)》及《費城故事 (The Philadelphia Story)》。


17. 史恩康納萊拍攝《007巡弋飛彈 (Never Say Never Again)》時接受了武打訓練,武術指導剛好是動作明星史蒂芬席格 (Steven Seagal)。期間兩人鬧得不愉快,史蒂芬席格還曾不小心打斷史恩康納萊的手腕…

Sean Connery, during the filming of the James Bond film “Never Say Never Again,” was taking martial arts lessons. His instructor was Steven Seagal. Apparently, the two frequently enraged each other, and Seagal actually ended up breaking Connery's wrist.


18. 一共演出7部龐德的羅傑摩爾小時候發生過槍枝意外,所以他其實對槍有陰影。每次拍攝開槍鏡頭時,他都會先反射性地遮住眼睛。

Roger Moore, who played in 7 Bond movies, was actually afraid of guns. This fear was the result of a gun accident when he was younger. To film, he had to clinch his eyes before every shot to cope with the gun's presence.


19. 龐德的原型,是有「超級間諜」之稱的英國指揮官Forest Yeo Thomas。他的代號叫作「小白兔」,是二戰期間英國的關鍵角色。

Bond is based on a real British super spy, Commander Forest Yeo-Thomas. He went by the code name "White Rabbit" and was a crucial player for England in WWII.


20. 根據2012倫敦奧運開幕典禮負責寫腳本的人表示,英國女王一聽到他們要找飾演龐德的丹尼爾克雷格來演出短片,就興奮地立馬詢問自己是否也能參與演出。

According to one of the writers who worked on the opening ceremonies for the 2012 Olympic Games in London, the Queen asked if she could appear in footage. The funny part is that she only asked when she heard they were thinking of using Bond leading man Daniel Craig.


21.《007最高機密 (For Your Eyes Only)》的龐德女郎Caroline Cossey原來是變性人!

Caroline Cossey, one of the Bond girls in "For Your Eyes Only," was actually born as Barry Kenneth Cossey. She is now an English model and was the transgender person to pose for Playboy.


22. 皮爾斯布洛斯南接演《007黃金眼》時,合約當中有這項規定:你不准在別部片穿晚禮服!

When Pierce Brosnan signed up to play James Bond for "Goldeneye," his contract actually stated that he wasn't allowed to wear a tuxedo in any other film.


23 《007黃金眼》在以色列被列為禁片,因為反派是納粹份子…

"Goldfinger"  was banned in Israel because the man who played the title villain was a Nazi.


24. 伊恩佛雷明完成 《皇家夜總會 (Casino Royale,第一本007小說)》的初稿後,買了一台鍍金打字機慶祝…接下來的13本007小說都靠它完成。

After finishing the first draft of "Casino Royal," Ian Fleming bought a gold-plated typewriter to celebrate. He used the piece to write the remaining 13 Bond novels.


25. 丹尼爾克雷格是唯一一位「喝過的伏特加馬丁尼比吻過的女人還多」的龐德!

Daniel Craig, is the only 007 to have had more vodka martinis in the film than on-screen kisses.


26. 從第一集007《第七號情報員 (Dr. No)》到《007空降危機 (Skyfall)》,龐德一共殺了369人、跟55位女人上床。

From "Dr. No" to "Skyfall," James Bond has killed a total of 369 people. He has also slept with 55 women.


27. 飾演反派「大鋼牙 (Jaws)」的李察基路,只能用嘴巴hold住道具鋼牙約1分半的時間。他在《007海底城 (The Spy Who Loved Me)》咬斷的繩子其實是甘草做的。

Richard Kiel, who played Jaws, could only keep his metal teeth in his mouth for about half a minute at a time. The chain he bit through in "The Spy Who Loved Me" was actually made of licorice.


28. 龐德的經典車款奧斯頓馬丁 (Aston Martin) 首度亮相是在1964年上映的《007金手指》。

The 1964 "Goldfinger" was the first Bond film which showed 007 driving his famous Aston Martin.


29. 法國女星蘇菲瑪索在《007綜橫天下 (The World is Not Enough)》裡飾演的Elektra King,是007電影史上第一位女反派。

Sophie Marceau became the first female villain in the Bond series with her role as Elektra King in "The World is Not Enough."


30.《007皇家夜總會》的反派勒齊方 (Le Chiffre) 是唯一一位被自己人幹掉的反派…

The character of Le Chiffre in "Casino Royale" is the first villain in the Bond series who gets killed by his own people.
誰叫他要對龐德「虐蛋」。 (大家一定記得這經典的一幕)


31.《007皇家夜總會》的龐德女郎薇絲朋 (Vesper Lynd) 靈感、來自伊恩佛雷明現實中遇過的特務Christine Granville,她是英國史上第一位女特務。

The character of Vesper Lynd in the film "Casino Royale"  was based on Christine Granville, Britain’s first female special agent, whom Ian Fleming met in real-life.


32. 美國前總統甘迺迪是龐德的大粉絲!

President John F. Kennedy was a huge James Bond fan.


33. 英國情報局MI6裡,具00身分的特務都是菁英中的菁英。他們配有殺人執照,可以在執行任務時任意殺人。

The 00 Section of MI6 is considered the secret service's elite. This type of agent holds a license to kill in the field.


34.《星際大戰》系列大導演喬治盧卡斯 (George Lucas) 當初在創造印第安那瓊斯這角色時的靈感其實就是來自史恩康奈萊版本的龐德。有趣的是,史恩康納萊日後在印第安那瓊斯系列第3集《聖戰奇兵 (The Last Crusade)》飾演了瓊斯的爸爸。

George Lucas got inspiration for Indiana Jones by watching Sean Connery's version of Bond. Interestingly, Connery was cast as Indiana Jones' father in "The Last Crusade."





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