
1. 如果兩個人超恨對方,那他們愛上彼此的機率也增加。   2. 非英語系國家的人跟彼此聊天時也用英文。 廣告1   3. 大家都不常去廁所,如果去的話通常會打鬥。   4. 如果有人想偽裝而敲昏士兵/警衛,他們的身材會剛好能穿上士兵/警衛的制服。 廣告2   5. 不管是多糊的照

December 29, 2015

1. 如果兩個人超恨對方,那他們愛上彼此的機率也增加。

If two people hate each other, they are more likely to fall in love


2. 非英語系國家的人跟彼此聊天時也用英文。

When alone, foreigners prefer to communicate to one another in English


3. 大家都不常去廁所,如果去的話通常會打鬥。

People don't really go to the bathroom very much. If they do they usually get beat up.


4. 如果有人想偽裝而敲昏士兵/警衛,他們的身材會剛好能穿上士兵/警衛的制服。

In the vain of beat up, if the hero knocks out a guard/soldier, their uniform will always be a perfect fit.


5. 不管是多糊的照片,都有方法能讓上面最小的細節變清晰。

Even the fuzziest photographs can be enlarged/enhanced to show the most minuscule details


6. 如果你開槍射汽車油箱,車子會立刻爆炸。

If you shoot a car's gas tank it will immediately explode


7. 恐怖分子的根據地永遠都在夜店。

Terrorists (or in this case vampires) always have their offices in popular night clubs


8. 每架飛機上都有醫生,而且一定隨身攜帶醫療用具。

There is a doctor on every plane and they have their tools with them


9. 你要進去的店前面絕對會有一個空的停車格。

Any building you need to enter will always have one parking spot right in the front


10. 能讓暴龍癱瘓的通電鐵絲網電不死小孩。

Electric fences that are capable of maiming a T-Rex will leave a small child relatively unscathed


11. 親戚間長得一點都不像。

Relatives don't normally look like one another.


12. 游泳或潛水的時候妝都不會掉。事實上,妝幾乎永遠不會掉。

Makeup doesn't come off when you are scuba diving. Actually, it rarely comes off at all.


13. 巴黎每個角落的窗戶都能看見艾菲爾鐵塔。

You can see the Eiffel Tower from every single window in Paris


14. 你付帳的時候根本不需要看著錢,你伸手進錢包後就會自動拿出正確的數目。

You don't ever need to actually look at your money when you are paying for stuff. It comes out of your wallet in the perfect amount


15. 狗狗天生就會對壞人狂吠。

Dogs inherently know to bark at all the movie villains


16. 不管多嚴重的災難,最後總有幾隻狗能活下來。

Speaking of dogs, they survive everything. Even the worst disasters.

OK, a few casualties occurred (John Wick & Old Yeller come to mind)


17. 咳嗽代表你已經病入膏肓了。

If you cough it means you are probably terminally ill.


18. 不管太空船損壞有多嚴重,重力系統永遠都不會損壞。

The internal gravity systems of spaceships always remain intact, regardless of the beating the ship takes


19. 過去的人也有一口完美牙齒。

In the past, people had perfect teeth


20. 跑得比爆炸速度快是有可能的。

It is possible to outrun an explosion


21. 墓園總是在下雨。

It always rains in graveyards


22. 外星人也能至少流利地說一種語言,通常都是英文。

Aliens are all fluent in at least one human language. Usually English.


23. 如果你捲入街上混戰,你的敵人通常會耐心地一個一個上。

If you ever get in a street fight, your enemies will wait patiently to attack you one by one


24. 從惡夢中驚醒的人絕對會坐起來大口喘氣。

Somebody waking up from a nightmare will sit straight up and start panting

Via list25



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