1. 顾客:「礼卷在这边 」, 我:「…这礼券三年前就过期囉 」, 顾客:「叫你们经理出来」

2. 情侣顾客:「好我了解,没问题,我懂啦哈哈…我会付钱的…拿着我的钱吧…天呀,宝贝!」(没带钱,叫宝贝来付)
couple: I got it.. no it’s okay I got it haha.. I’ll pay for it.. take my money.. omg baABe#serviceindustryheadass pic.twitter.com/ux7pOwXUYk
— sam nugroho (@saamchristy) August 19, 2016
3. 我:「您的总金额是美金10.34元 」, 顾客掏出20元给我,当我放进收银机时,顾客:「 等等,我有零钱!」

4. (客人在我还没准备好时就刷了卡) 客人:「不好意思可以麻烦您再刷一次卡吗?」,我:「为什么,我刚刚才刷…」
*Customer slides card before I finish*
Can you swipe again?
Why? I just swiped.
#serviceindustryheadass pic.twitter.com/yWzzqhpL3S— Datiana ♡ (@ifwjimin) August 19, 2016
5. 我:「请问刷信用卡还是签帐卡?」 客人:「这是美国运通卡。」我:「请问刷信用卡还是签帐卡!!!」

6. 客人:「这个条码扫不出来,所以应该不用钱吧。哈哈哈…」我:「不可能喔,X子」
“It didn’t scan, so I guess it’s free huh? Hahaha”
Me:#serviceindustryheadass pic.twitter.com/c5b50TPWRX— Markiz. (@markizG4L) August 19, 2016
7. 客人:「这个多少钱?」我 (刷一下条码):「美金70元(~$2200台币」客人:「 (大吼大叫)怎么那么贵?!」

8. 收银员(伸出手准备接钱), 客人 (把钱丢在柜台) ,收银员:「…」
Cashier: *holds out hand for money*
Customer: *sits money on counter*
Cashier: pic.twitter.com/pbGdMhoeys— Kion w/ Da Good Hair (@MrFlyyyGuyyy) August 18, 2016
9. 当你在休息时间的时候店里突然变得超忙…

10. (卡片被拒刷八次之后), 客人:「这不可能啊,你再试试看。」
*card gets declined for the 8th time*
Customer: That can’t be right, try it again.#serviceindustryheadass pic.twitter.com/GedTTaQ5Pv— Charles Davis (@AyeQueLo) August 18, 2016
11. 客人:「我们上次都可以这样做啊!」,店员:「…」

12. 客人:「有人告诉我你们的优惠券可以不只用一次。」,我:「嗯,让我告诉你,不 行。」
Guest: I was told that I could use the same coupon more than once
Me: Well you can’t pic.twitter.com/853Xk3AkDZ— ANTI (@HIFTBABG) August 18, 2016
13. 当你把帐单拿给他们的时候他们还在闲聊。
When they still making small talk after you already handed them their items & receipt #serviceindustryheadass pic.twitter.com/KusT60F7wm
— Phoenix
(@Drebae_) August 18, 2016
14. 当客人给你态度,然后他们的信用卡被拒绝时。
When a customer give you attitude and their card decline #ServiceIndustryHeadAss pic.twitter.com/V5ZsFxBnRy
— Murphy
(@_sforsierra) August 18, 2016
15. 我:「小姐您好,这一共是64.18美元。」,客人:「可是盒子上是写59.99美元耶。」

16. 客人走到我旁边跟我说,「嘿,你看起来好像很无聊齁,好像需要点事情做耶。」
Walks up to my line. “He he he you look bored/like you need something to do” #serviceindustryheadass pic.twitter.com/RHMW19uLo6
— Alicia Sessions (@Alicia_Dawnn) August 15, 2016
17. 当经理把你已经跟客人说过的话重复说了一遍时…
When your manager tells the customer the exact same thing you told them #serviceindustryheadass pic.twitter.com/tKgUk7SaUY
— your favorite dancer (@sharonbmills) August 18, 2016