
前陣子,全球粉絲引頸期盼的《美女與野獸》真人版電影劇照流出(這裡),令所有影迷大飽眼福。   根據美國雜誌《娛樂周刊》 (Entertainment Weekly ),劇中戲服全由知名設計師杜倫(Jacqueline Durran)一手打造,希望呈現最原汁原味的經典畫面給觀眾。   照片中,飾演貝兒

November 7, 2016


Earlier this week, we got our first look at Emma Watson in Belle's iconic dress in Disney's new live-action Beauty and the Beast.
根據美國雜誌《娛樂周刊》 (Entertainment Weekly ),劇中戲服全由知名設計師杜倫(Jacqueline Durran)一手打造,希望呈現最原汁原味的經典畫面給觀眾。


照片中,飾演貝兒的艾瑪華森(Emma Watson)穿著的經典金色禮服看起來十分飄逸、氣質。不過不少網友仔細一看,發現艾瑪未如原本動畫電影中的貝兒穿上束腹。

And now, thanks to an interview with Entertainment Weekly, we know Watson and costume designer Jacqueline Durran put a lot of effort into modernizing the dress while still remaining loyal to the original design.



The dress was designed with easy, active moment in mind — Watson isn't wearing a corset underneath. “In Emma’s reinterpretation," Durran said, "Belle is an active princess. She did not want a dress that was corseted or that would impede her in any way.”



Belle will also, according to a separate Entertainment Weekly interview, have a meatier backstory than she did in the original. "I was like, ‘Well, there was never very much information or detail at the beginning of the story as to why Belle didn’t fit in, other than she liked books. Also, what is she doing with her time?’" Watson said.



"So, we created a backstory for her, which was that she had invented a kind of washing machine, so that, instead of doing laundry, she could sit and use that time to read instead. So, yeah, we made Belle an inventor.”



Fans will recall that in the animated film, Belle’s father, Maurice, is the inventor. But this time around, Belle takes on that role, and her father creates music boxes.


至於為什麼是音樂盒?電影布景負責人史賓賽(Katie Spencer)在訪問中表示,「某方面來說,貝兒的父親太過保護她了。她從小就失去母親。而父親設計無數了音樂盒,它們代表著世界上不同的國家,如此一來,貝兒的視野就不會受到侷限。」

“She’s overprotected in a way, by her father," set decorator Katie Spencer told EW. "She’s lost her mother. So, we’ve made all these music boxes that represent different countries of the world, so she can see what she’s missing.”


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