21個「全球最宜居國家」排行 台灣靠「醫療完勝」超越奧地利奪冠!

近日,全球最大旅外人士網站InterNations,公布「世界前21名最宜居國家」。該網站根據個人幸福度、生活品質、安全、旅遊與交通、財務、休閒活動等綜合評量下,調查來自174個國家、居住於191國的1萬4300名外籍人士,評選出21大最適合居住地,我們來看看啦! 21. 丹麥:丹

February 1, 2017


21. 丹麥:丹麥人一星期工作39小時,居全球最短工作時數之冠。

21. Denmark — The country has the shortest working week out of all those surveyed at 39 hours. However, it fell down the list for quality of life during to scoring low on childcare options and availability.


20. 匈牙利:生活開銷不大,但提供了豐富就業機會。

20. Hungary — The country has rapidly climbed the ranking thanks to its relatively low cost of living but abundant career opportunities.


19. 芬蘭:近74%移民父母認為當地教育學費親民實惠。

19. Finland — "74% of expat parents in Finland are in complete agreement
that the education options are easy to afford," said InterNations. It also scored highly in the Health & Well-Being sub-category.


18. 厄瓜多:外籍人士認為厄瓜多是個非常適合旅遊的國家。

18. Ecuador — The country made the list mainly because of the expats who class themselves as travelers. The language barrier can be an issue for those who want to stay longer than a few months or a year.


17. 盧森堡:因高生活水平、低儲蓄,導致排名不高,但就業機會、美麗生活環境以及高品質醫療、教育環境仍值得讚許。

17. Luxembourg — The country dropped down the list due to the continual higher cost of living, leaving less cash in people's pockets each month. However, it still makes the rankings due to employment opportunities, beautiful surroundings, and high-quality healthcare and education.


16. 澳洲:外籍人士認為澳洲提供優良教育環境,十分適合成家、養育孩子。

16. Australia — The country is considered one of the best places in the world to raise a family, while also coming second in the sub-rankings for both the availability of education and education options in general.


15. 法國:一周工作時數41小時,高品質教育與經濟實惠學費,十分吸引外籍人士。

15. France — The country has on average only 41 hour working weeks and ranks highly for the quality and affordability of a good education.


14. 葡萄牙:對於外籍人士而言,葡萄牙可以說是數一數二的夢幻居住天堂。調查中,有91%外籍人士表示很滿意當地生活。

14. Portugal — This country is considered one of the "dream destinations" for expats, and 91% of respondents who live there say they are generally satisfied with their lives.


13. 紐西蘭:醫療資源比澳洲便宜,獲外籍人士讚賞。

13. New Zealand —"Most people tend to mentally lump Australia and New Zealand
together — but there are some surprising differences concerning
expat life in these destinations," said InterNations. For example, New Zealand scores more points when it comes to healthcare, due to greater affordability.


12. 加拿大:優美環境、人民親切度、短工作時數,皆為外籍人士選擇居住加拿大的原因。

12. Canada — The environment, feeling welcome, and short working weeks boosted the country in the ranking this year.


11. 南韓:外籍人士認為,就業機會、適合家庭居住的良好環境,使南韓在其他國家中脫穎而出。

11. South Korea — The country nearly made the top 10, thanks to its career-opportunities and favourable environment for those with families.


10. 瑞士:雖然瑞士以高水準醫療資源、教育環境、就業機會聞名全球,但高得嚇人的生活水平,也讓許多外籍人士不敢恭維。

10. Switzerland — While healthcare, education, and the ability to find a job helps Switzerland hit the top 10, the rising cost of living keeps the country from the top spot.


9. 德國:生活水平、就業機會皆是德國深受外籍人士喜愛的原因。

9. Germany — The country is popular with expats due to it being one of the top rated places to find a job, while also hitting near the top of the sub-ranking for general living standards.


8. 新加坡:過去曾被選為全球最宜居城市的新加坡,因醫療資源、物價逐漸上漲,名次滑落至第八。

8. Singapore — The city-state dropped from first to eighth place this year due to rising cost of living and mainly the affordability of healthcare.


7. 捷克: 74%外籍人士認為教育費用平易近人,相當實惠,且擁有友善幼兒照護措施。

7. Czech Republic — The country was a hit with expats with children as the availability and costs of childcare and education there are rated well. 74% said that education is easy to afford.


6. 馬爾他:宜人天氣與當地文化,一向是英國人熱愛的旅遊必訪之地。

6. Malta — While the country is very popular with Brits for the weather and local culture, it has dropped from 3rd place last year in the Work-Life Balance sub-category to 20th in 2016.


5. 哥斯大黎加:宜人氣候與環境深受外籍人士喜愛,79%受訪者表示當地讓他們有家的感覺。

5. Costa Rica — Warm weather and improvements in the language category helped boost the country. 79% also said they feel “at home” in the local culture.


4. 西班牙:以溫暖天氣、當地人對外國人的友善態度聞名。

4. Spain — The country, famed for its good weather, rises in the rankings because expats voted it highly for in the Ease of Settling In Index. They say that friendliness and, more specifically, the attitude of locals towards foreigners makes it a great place to live.


3. 日本:因公共交通設施、基礎建設完善,從去年第七名晉升為第三名,另外,日本人平靜和諧、高水準醫療設備也深獲外籍人士讚賞。

3. Japan — The country rose from seventh to third place this year, mainly due to gaining poll position in transport infrastructure. Expats also highly rated the island nation's peacefulness and quality of medical care.


2. 奧地利:以乾淨水質、空氣聞名,72%調查者也指出,交通建設十分便利。


1. 台灣:高品質、價格實惠的醫療資源,是台灣獲得全球最宜居城市的大優點。生活品質選項中,台灣在女性外籍人士中被評為第一;在男性外籍人士中,居第二。



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分類:台灣, 世界
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