
今年是唐氏症夫婦瑪麗安 (Maryanne Pilling) 跟湯米 (Tommy Pilling) 結婚第22周年。在1995年結為連理的兩人是第一對記錄上結為夫婦的唐氏症患者,儘管這樣的決定遭受非常多批評,他們仍然像當年結婚一樣恩愛,瑪麗安的姊妹琳狄 (Lindi Newman) 為兩人辦的臉書專頁上更

February 24, 2017

今年是唐氏症夫婦瑪麗安 (Maryanne Pilling) 跟湯米 (Tommy Pilling) 結婚第22周年。在1995年結為連理的兩人是第一對記錄上結為夫婦的唐氏症患者,儘管這樣的決定遭受非常多批評,他們仍然像當年結婚一樣恩愛,瑪麗安的姊妹琳狄 (Lindi Newman) 為兩人辦的臉書專頁上更是有許多追蹤者受他們的愛情故事感動!

Maryanne and Tommy Pilling were thought to be the first Downs couple to tie the knot in 1995 but were hit by a wave of criticism. Maryanne and Tommy  first met at a day centre in Southend in 1990 and were instantly besotted with each other



Tommy popped the question and the couple went on to tie the knot at St Mary's Church in Shoeburyness, Essex, in July 1995, pictured


兩人交往了18個月後,湯米問瑪麗安的媽媽琳達 (Linda) 他能否向瑪麗安求婚,當時他手上拿著自動販賣機買來的玩具戒指。琳達馬上就答應了,不過她希望湯米能慎重地求婚,於是帶湯米去珠寶店買了戒指。

Maryanne, 45 and Tommy, 59 are still going strong and a Facebook page, set up by Maryanne's sister, Lindi Newman, which follows the couple's romance, has racked up thousands of followers



Maryanne and Tommy, pictured on their wedding day, are thought to be the first get married



The couple have proved doubters wrong after 22 years of wedded bliss and a huge Facebook following of people inspired by their heartwarming story



The couple are pictured on their wedding day with their bridesmaids and groomsmen 



The couple say they are still besotted with each other and get plenty of support from their fans on social media


「這 (20周年) 對任何夫婦來說都是里程碑,更別說是他們。他們想證明那些人大錯特錯了,他們在一起非常快樂。」

Her sister said: 'Some people stare, they assume people with Down's Syndrome and learning difficulties can't get married'



'Tommy and I never argue. I love my husband very much. He is my best friend,' said Maryanne



Maryanne and Tommy, pictured on a date, love each other's company


Her family say that Maryanne had dreamed about a big white wedding since she was a little girl and that's exactly what she had



The couple live independently, with family next door to help out when needed


Maryanne said she was shocked when Tommy proposed but didn't have to think twice about saying yes

來源:Dailymail │ Theladbible


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加入粉絲團! 第一對結婚的唐氏症夫妻「攜手走過22年」一樣恩愛,求婚時還是用玩具戒指「還好媽媽看不過去」!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友