
1. 德國牧羊犬編號 K9 是一隻空軍軍犬,不過對他的軍犬訓練師 Kyle Smith 而言,他有個名字:Bodza,這對夥伴一同駐軍中亞吉爾吉斯共和國。   2. Bodza 自2006年起開始在伊拉克、科威特等地值勤,負責嗅出爆炸裝置。直到2012年,Smith 首次接觸軍犬訓練事宜,他們才相識

March 9, 2017

1. 德國牧羊犬編號 K9 是一隻空軍軍犬,不過對他的軍犬訓練師 Kyle Smith 而言,他有個名字:Bodza,這對夥伴一同駐軍中亞吉爾吉斯共和國。

holding teammate until his last breath 211 Holding him until his last breath (13 Photos)


2. Bodza 自2006年起開始在伊拉克、科威特等地值勤,負責嗅出爆炸裝置。直到2012年,Smith 首次接觸軍犬訓練事宜,他們才相識。

holding teammate until his last breath 27 Holding him until his last breath (13 Photos)
Smite 搞笑說 Bodza 就像是他的老闆一樣。


3. Smith 表示:「我很愛和他一起工作,因為他教會我身為年輕的軍犬訓練師,必須要具備耐心,並且了解到,這份工作並不是只有你自己而已。」

holding teammate until his last breath 29 Holding him until his last breath (13 Photos)



holding teammate until his last breath 2 Holding him until his last breath (13 Photos)


5. 當他們沒有出勤時,會一起在營地內玩耍,「Bodza 是一隻傻傻溫和的狗。他會對著自己的影子吠叫,所以有時候我會鬧他、和他玩。我會把讓手的影子投射在地上,快速影子,他會追著它跑,它可能以為那是兔子吧。」

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6. 服勤多年後,終於輪到 Bodza 退休,回歸一般家犬的生活,就在他退休的那一天,Smith 直接將他帶回家,「我在他退休的同一天把他帶回家了。」

"My boss said, &lsquo;Hey, go check your Jeep.  They went out and put a bowl, a brand new leash and two collars, and they put [Bodza] at the back of my Jeep. I got to take him home the same day he retired," he <a href="http://www.insideedition.com/headlines/22037-soldier-drapes-american-flag-over-former-military-dog-partners-body-after-he-is-put-down" target="_blank">said</a>.



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After Bodza turned 11, Smith noticed that he was having trouble getting around and that his legs were getting weaker.  That's when a veterinarian diagnosed  him with degenerative myelopathy, an incurable disease that affected his spinal cord.  Smith had to make the heartbreaking decision to put him down.



holding teammate until his last breath 22 Holding him until his last breath (13 Photos)


10. 然而,去年夏天他11歲時,Bodza 被診斷出罹患退化性脊髓神經病變,他的脊椎將會慢慢退化,且無藥可醫。

holding teammate until his last breath 25 Holding him until his last breath (13 Photos)


11. 看著愛犬一天一天痛苦下去,Smith 的心裡也很難受,但最痛苦的是,他必須做出對 Bodza 最好的決定。那一天,以前的幾位同袍們一起來到他家,帶著 Bodza 來到動物醫院,他們希望 Bodza 可以不再受病痛折磨,為他蓋上代表榮譽的美國國旗,陪伴他到最後一刻。

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12. Smith 流淚說:「Bodza 過世的時候,我一直抱著他。」、「當他永遠睡去時,他的臉上掛著大大的笑容。」他感覺到 Bodza 開心地和他道別。

holding teammate until his last breath 28 Holding him until his last breath (13 Photos)



holding teammate until his last breath 21 Holding him until his last breath (13 Photos)

來源:The Chive|Viralnova

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分類:世界, 動物
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