
北韩核武威胁造成世界各国一个头两个大,面对外界抵制来势汹汹,北韩也是没在怕,15日适逢北韩国父金日成105岁冥诞「太阳节」,金正恩不甩川普警告,罕见地川著西装,裂嘴大笑参与阅兵大典。   在邻近大同江的广场上,北韩士兵整齐一致地踢正步,后面跟着10款不同、共56

April 16, 2017


Smiling dictator: Kim Jung-un was noticeably relaxed and appeared happy as he attended the 'Day of the Sun' military parade in Kim Il Sung square - which celebrates his grandfather - the founder of North Korea



Crowds cheered as a missile was driven past the stand where North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and other high ranking officials looked on
An unidentified rocket is displayed during today's parade, with experts voicing fears that it could have a range of 9,000 miles
Arrival: Military vehicles carrying the KN-11 missile - which can be launched from a submarine - and potentially gives the country a limited nuclear second strike capability 
Thousands of North Korean troops armed with rifles took part in the show of force, which saw North Korea flaunt sophisticated new military hardware
North Korean soldiers carry flags as they pass an image of Kim Il Sung as they take part in a parade in capital Pyongyang
Commandoes wearing camouflage gear were on parade as soldiers yelled out 'long live' to celebrate the 105th anniversary of Kim Jong-un's grandfather's birthday
Thousands of troops took part in the parade on a day to mark what would have been the 105th birthday of the country's founder, Kim Il Sung



Women wearing traditional outfits looked jubilant as they passed by despot leader Kim Jong-un at the parade in Pyongyang
The celebrations culminated in a mass dance in the heart of North Korean capital Pyongyang, after a display of the nation's military might
Performers play the drums at the parade today, where North Korea gave a show of its military might in Pyongyang


北韩第2号人物崔龙海 (Choe Ryong-Hae) 在大阅兵前纪念仪式演说,表示北韩将因应美国的核子攻击,「我们已准备好全力应战回应一场全面战争,我们已准备好以自身风格的核武作战,反击任何核子攻击。」

Tanks rolled through the capital city of the secretive state, which was marking the 105th birthday of Kim Jong-un's late grandfather



North Korea marks 105th birth anniversary of its founding lead…

North Korea marks 105th birth anniversary of its founding leader Kim Il-sung with military parade in Pyongyang (Streamed Live) READ MORE: https://on.rt.com/88xd

RTさんの投稿 2017年4月14日



The day of celebrations culminated in a mass dance, accompanied by fireworks, in Pyongyang as the country marked the Day of the Sun
Jubilant lines of North Koreans danced into the night during the celebrations, which come at a time of international tensions


然而,今天南韩国防部发出最新消息,北韩16日试图发射一枚飞弹,展示武力、威胁全球,「北韩今天早上试图从咸镜南道(South Hamkyong Province)的新浦地区试射一枚型号不明的飞弹,但是我们怀疑这次发射已经失败。」

The festivities, celebrating the 105th birthday of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong-un's grandfather, took place amid concerns that North Korea is possibly preparing for its sixth nuclear test or a significant rocket launch, such as its first flight test of an ICBM




来源:Lad Bible|DailyMail


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