
美國男子桑尼斯 (Andy Sandness) 在21歲時,因為患有重度憂鬱,起了自殺念頭的他向自己的下巴開槍。他被送到醫院後,在醫生的搶救下撿回一命。但他的面容全毀,沒有了鼻子、下巴和一部份的嘴巴。他左眼的視力出現問題,口腔也只剩兩顆牙齒。事實上開槍後他馬上就後悔了

February 26, 2017

美國男子桑尼斯 (Andy Sandness) 在21歲時,因為患有重度憂鬱,起了自殺念頭的他向自己的下巴開槍。他被送到醫院後,在醫生的搶救下撿回一命。但他的面容全毀,沒有了鼻子、下巴和一部份的嘴巴。他左眼的視力出現問題,口腔也只剩兩顆牙齒。事實上開槍後他馬上就後悔了,知道自己還想繼續活在世界上。






在2012年,他接到了一通來自明尼蘇達州梅奧醫院的外科醫生馬爾帝尼 (Dr. Samir Mardini) 的電話,提議他接受臉部植臉手術。在3年嚴格的身心評估後,他於去年一月正式接受換臉。而換臉的對象,是吞槍自殺死亡的男子羅斯 (Calen Ross),他跟桑尼斯在同一個年齡自殺,也就是21歲。

This undated photo provided by his wife, Lilly, shows Calen "Rudy" Ross. In June 2016, he died of a self-inflicted gun shot. When agreeing to a donation for a face transplant, Lilly thought of her baby son. "The reason that I decided to ... go through with it was so that I can later down the road show Leonard what his dad had done to help somebody," she said in a video produced by LifeSource, a nonprofit group that works with families in the upper Midwest to facilitate organ and tissue donation. (Courtesy Lilly Ross via AP)


羅斯的遺孀莉莉 (Lilly) 本來對捐臉的事非常抗拒,因為不想在路上看到「亡夫」。不過她最後想到了兩人的兒子,希望可以讓兒子知道父親如何幫助其他人、拯救他人的生命,所以接受了亡夫捐贈器官的遺願。

This undated photo provided by his wife, Lilly, shows Calen "Rudy" Ross. In June 2016, he died of a self-inflicted gun shot. He had designated he wanted to be an organ donor, but when the idea was brought to Lilly about a donation for a face transplant, she says, "I was skeptical at first. ... I didn't want to walk around and all of a sudden see Calen." She was reassured the donor had his own eyes and forehead and would not be recognizable as her husband. After consulting with her husband's best friend, she gave her consent. (Courtesy Lilly Ross via AP)



Intricate and complicated: The medical team performs the face transplant surgery, The surgery that started shortly before midnight Friday was over early on Monday morning - 56 hours later


Intense: It took about 24 hours to procure the donor's face, which involved taking bone, muscle, skin and nerves, and almost the same time to prepare the recipient. His entire face was rebuilt below his eyes, taking an additional 32 hours. The medical team rotated, taking four-hour breaks through the weekend


Hard work pays off: Dr. Mardini and his team devoted more than 50 Saturdays over 3 1/2 years to rehearsing the procedure, using sets of cadaver heads to transplant the face of one to another



Getting back to normal: Dr. Samir Mardini shaves Andy Sandness, days after leading a team that performed the first face transplant surgery at the hospital


Rest and recovery: Dr. Samir Mardini checks on his patient, Andy Sandness, days after leading a team that performed the first face transplant surgery at the medical center. Sandness, who was sedated for several days, wasn't allowed to see himself immediately


Preparations for the operation: Andy Sandness talks with his father, Reed Sandness, and Dr. Samir Mardini, before the 60-strong team went to work in June of 2016. In the process leading up to the surgery, Mardini tried to temper his patient's enthusiasm. 'Think very hard about this,' he said. Only a few dozen transplants have been done around the world'



Before his transformation: This picture taken at the Mayo Clinic in June of 2016 shows the progress surgeons had made on him over the past decade since he tried to end his life by shooting himself in the head before Christmas in 2006


Checkups: Andy Sandness has his face checked during an appointment with physical therapist Helga Smars at Mayo Clinic in Rochester late last month


Close friendship: Dr. Samir Mardini shows Andy Sandness photos of his children on his smartphone before Sandness' face transplant surgery. Over the years, the two say they've become as close as brothers



Unbreakable bond: Andy is hugged by Dr. Samir Mardini after another follow up procedure at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota in January 



Staggering transformation: Face transplant recipient Andy Sandness attends a speech therapy appointment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota on January 27 - seven months after his face transplant operation was hailed a success 


Re-adjustment: Andy Sandness looks in a mirror during an appointment with physical therapist Helga Smars at the Mayo Clinic. He wasn't allowed to see himself immediately after the surgery. His room mirror and cell phone were removed. When he finally did see his face after three weeks later, he was overwhelmed


Pleased with the results: Andy's facial muscles are growing stronger and he is receiving speech therapy to learn to use his tongue in a new mouth and jaw and enunciate clearly.
He's thrilled to smell again, breathe normally and be eating foods that were off-limits for a decade: apples, steak and pizza that he has shared with his doctors



In this Jan. 25, 2017, photo, face transplant recipient Andy Sandness walks to the Saint Marys Hospital campus at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Min. Sandness can pinpoint the day he looked normal. About three months after the procedure, he was in an elevator with a little boy who glanced at him, then turned to his mother without appearing scared or saying anything. "I knew then," he says, "that the surgery was a success." (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)


In this Jan. 25, 2017 photo, face transplant recipient Andy Sandness looks over the Saint Marys Hospital campus at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Sandness, the first to receive a face transplant at the medical center, has the nose, cheeks, mouth, lips, jaw and chin of his donor, Calen "Rudy" Ross. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)




來源 : Metro|Dailymail|People


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